Microbubble and Nanobubble Aeration: Revolutionizing Wastewater Treatment

In the world of wastewater treatment, aeration plays a critical role in ensuring efficient and effective processing. ClearBlu Environmental has pioneered a game-changing approach with Microbubble and Nanobubble aeration technology. But what exactly sets this technology apart, and why does it matter?

Here’s a summary of what we’ll cover in this article:

  1. The Shortcomings of Conventional Aeration
  2. The Aerobic Breakthrough
  3. The Advantages of Microbubble Technology
  4. ClearBlu’s Cutting-Edge Technology
  5. The Future of Wastewater Treatment
  6. Examples of How This Worked for Clients

The Shortcomings of Conventional Aeration

Traditional aeration systems often rely on compressed air, which forces air through fine pore diffusers to introduce bubbles into the water. However, these systems typically produce bubbles that are 3 to 4 millimeters in diameter. The problem? These bubbles quickly rise to the surface and escape, barely transferring any oxygen into the water. This inefficiency results in a lackluster aerobic environment, leading to incomplete digestion and the need for costly sludge removal processes like pond dredging.

Enter Microbubble and Nanobubble Aeration

The aerobic breakthrough. Microbubbles, measuring just 0.02 millimeters in size, and even smaller Nanobubbles, offer a revolutionary solution. Unlike their larger counterparts, these tiny bubbles remain suspended in the water for hours, even reaching the bottom of 20-foot-deep ponds. Their small size and increased surface area allow for significantly more efficient oxygen transfer, creating a fully aerobic environment and enabling complete digestion without the need for sludge hauling or separation.

Why Bubble Size Matters

The efficiency of oxygen transfer in aerobic aeration is directly related to the surface area of the bubbles. Simply put, the smaller the bubbles, the greater the surface area available for oxygen transfer. For the same volume of air, Microbubbles and Nanobubbles provide an order of magnitude more surface area than larger bubbles, resulting in a more efficient and effective aerobic process.

The Science of Aerobic Efficiency

In aerobic conditions, bacteria are more efficient at breaking down organic waste. This is because aerobic bacteria can support a larger population and digest organic matter much more quickly than anaerobic bacteria. While conventional septic digestion can take about 60 days, aerobic digestion using Microbubble technology can be substantially complete in just six to eight hours.

Moreover, aerobic bacteria produce byproducts that are far less harmful than those produced by anaerobic bacteria. The end products of aerobic digestion include carbon dioxide, ammonia, water, and sulfates—compounds that are either harmless or beneficial to the environment. In contrast, anaerobic bacteria produce methane, hydrogen sulfide, and other noxious gases.

Here’s an example of our aerobic process in action.

The Advantages of Microbubble Technology

ClearBlu’s Microbubble Aeration system offers numerous benefits over traditional aeration methods. Contact us if you’re interested in a free consultation.



Higher and faster removal rates of BOD and TSS

The system significantly enhances the removal of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS), leading to cleaner water.



Up to 70% reduction in electrical consumption

By optimizing oxygen transfer efficiency, the system reduces energy costs.



Elimination of odors

Aerobic bacteria produce odorless carbon dioxide, eliminating the foul smells often associated with wastewater treatment.



Improvement of water quality

The system enhances the overall quality of treated water, making it safer for reuse or discharge.



Rapid microbial growth and reproduction

The oxygen-rich environment fosters rapid bacterial growth, speeding up the digestion process.



Elimination of pathogens

The enhanced aerobic conditions effectively kill harmful pathogens.



Control of algae growth

By maintaining a stable aerobic environment, the system helps prevent the growth of algae, which can clog treatment systems.


ClearBlu’s Cutting-Edge Technology

At the heart of ClearBlu’s success is its unique aeration technology. The Ultra Fine Bubble (UFB) unit produces bubbles smaller than 0.02 millimeters in a negative pressure environment. This translates to over 1 billion Microbubbles per cubic foot, creating a vast surface area of oxygen molecules. Unlike conventional systems that create bubbles through high-pressure compressed air, ClearBlu’s patented process uses low-pressure air, preventing excessive agitation and promoting efficient aerobic digestion.

Conclusion: The Future of Wastewater Treatment

Microbubble and Nanobubble aeration represent a significant leap forward in wastewater treatment technology. By delivering more oxygen with greater efficiency, this technology not only improves the effectiveness of aerobic digestion but also reduces energy costs, eliminates odors, and enhances water quality. For industries seeking a sustainable, cost-effective solution for wastewater treatment, ClearBlu’s Microbubble Aeration system offers a clear advantage.

With this breakthrough technology, the days of sludge hauling, pond dredging, and the need for expensive chemicals could soon be a thing of the past.

Case Studies

Still unsure? We’ve done it before, many times across many industries.

Bergfeld Vineyards

We assisted a California winery meet Napa County Health Department standards through improved wastewater aeration.

castoro cellars

We implemented one of our aerobic pond treatment solutions. This included a biodigester and micro-bubble surface aerator.