

Browse our wastewater treatment systems in use!


Use Case at Breweries

Wash bays

How A Wash Bay Water Reclamation System Works
RDO Equipment Testimonial for Wash Bay System
Sea Mist & Ocean Mist Farms Testimonial for Wash Bay System


Aerobic Digestion Process Explained

waterfall screens

Use Case at Breweries
Wedge Wire Screen Self Cleaning Explained
Use Case at Juice Processing Facilities
Demonstration of our Wedge Wire Screen

Dewatering Hopper

Demo of the Self-Dumping Dewatering Hopper

Primary treatment

Aerobic Digestion Process Explained
Biodigester Process Explained

Microbes & Bacteria

Keeping Dry-Fed Bacteria From Binding in a Feeder
Using a Programmable Volumetric Feeder to Dose Bacteria

Pond treatment & Aeration

Micro Bubble Technology Explained
AF Series Surface Freshwater Aerators
Turbine Aeration Demonstration
Measurement and Flow Control Demonstration
Settling Tank & Sludge Pump